Next Level Libraries

From a young age, students are introduced to new and exciting worlds, different cultures and traditions, and interesting stories through literature. Having a classroom library gives students a central hub for resources and exploring their imagination.

By providing access to a rich library and reading list, you give your students more access to reading and a wide range of reading materials spanning across multiple genres and eras.

Program Offerings

Build a Library


Bring your classroom library to the next level with books for all ages curated specifically to meet your educational goals. From preschool to grade 12, find the best book options for your classroom and leave the work to us.

Product Services


Offering a diverse range of educational resources tailored for K-12 classrooms. As well as classroom essentials like book bins and take-home book bags. Interested in becoming a customer? Contact Next Level Libraries for a free quote.

Publishing Partners


Next Level Libraries collaborates with an ever-growing list of publishing partners to offer diverse and high-quality educational resources. Their partnerships ensure access to the latest books, decodable texts, and classroom materials, helping educators build engaging and effective learning environments.

Our professional consultants are ready to help you. Let’s get started!